Monday, April 1, 2013

Minute Trick Monday: Command+Click


How do I organize all the Google Docs that people have shared with me without moving them out Shared Folders? 
  This question is one that I have been asked a lot as people's "Shared With Me" list has been getting longer and longer.  The trick is to hold down the COMMAND key when organizing your files.

Here's step-by-step directions on how to take a doc that is in your "Shared With Me" list and move it into a folder that you create in "My Drive." 

1.  Find the desired shared file.  (Hint: You can search for it by typing any word in the doc into the Google search bar in Drive.)
2.  Click on the box to left of the File Name in the Shared with Me list.
3.  Click the File Folder icon above the list to open the ORGANIZE window.
4.  To add the file to a folder in your drive, hold down the COMMAND button and CLICK on the desired folder(or click "create a new folder") in your drive. 

You can use this same tip if you want to organize any Google Doc into more than one file at the same time.

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